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What is Sangyan?

Sangyan Podcast is country’s first Independent Decisive Educational Audio (IDEA) platform that aims to connect community to the essential COVID-19 information resources that can enhance well-being of individuals families and the communities they live in.

Sangyan will facilitate creating community of learners from all walks of life to share accurate, reliable and trusted sources of COVID-19 information.

Mar 31, 2022

5 Frequently asked questions about Nutrition and COVID-19

Q26. Many of us have lost jobs during the pandemic. The financial crisis is real. What are some of the affordable foods that one must include in their diet to build a stronger immune system?

  • Legumes and Cereals combine to have a good quality protein, e.g. Khichri, Dal roti.
  • Sprouted pulses, as they have more bioavailable nutrients, including loads of Vitamin C.
  • Local foods, whole grains,and  fresh, seasonal, and colourful fruits & vegetables, as they are a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals.
  • Spices and condiments, like- turmeric, garlic, ginger.

Q27. I am hearing a lot about the consumption of herbs, condiments and spices during this coronavirus outbreak. There are claims that they boost our immunity. Is that true?

Yes, many herbs, condiments and spices act as immunity boosters. Few of them are: Ginger, Tulsi, Neem, Lemongrass, Turmeric, Garlic, Black pepper, Munakka.

They possess antimicrobial/antiviral activity that helps fight infections. Therefore, one can focus on including them in their daily diets, in various forms, like- tea, deconcotions, chutney, additives, mouth freshener.

Q28. Does Vitamin D really help in lowering the severity of COVID-19 infection? If yes, what are the rich sources?

Yes, the recent studies have found that the adequate stores of Vitamin D in the body is associated with the lowered risk/severity of COVID-19.

But, there are few food sources of Vitamin D:

  • Milk and Milk products (fortified with Vitamin D)
  • Fatty fish
  • Eggs
  • Liver 

That’s why it is recommended to get sunlight exposure (exposure of 18% of the body) for a minimum of 15 minutes per day, between 11 am – 1pm, to ensure adequate stores of Vitamin D in the body.

And, in case, the above is not within the reach of an individual, he/she can always opt for Vitamin D supplements under the medical supervision.

Q29. Is it important for a mother who is confirmed/suspected to have COVID-19 to cleanse her breasts before breastfeeding her baby?

Washing the breasts every time you feed the baby is not necessary. But, if the mother is confirmed/suspected to have COVID-19, and has just coughed/sneezed over her exposed breasts or chest, she should gently clean the breast with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds before feeding the baby.

Q30. When can a mother, diagnosed with COVID-19 and has been unable to breastfeed because she was too sick, can resume breastfeeding?

When a mother feels healthy enough, she can resume breastfeeding. There is no set time period to wait after confirmed/suspected COVID-19. Also, there is no indication that breastfeeding affects the clinical course of COVID-19.

But, to guarantee her full recovery, she should be helped with her general health and diet, and utmost importance should be placed on following good hygienic practices.