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What is Sangyan?

Sangyan Podcast is country’s first Independent Decisive Educational Audio (IDEA) platform that aims to connect community to the essential COVID-19 information resources that can enhance well-being of individuals families and the communities they live in.

Sangyan will facilitate creating community of learners from all walks of life to share accurate, reliable and trusted sources of COVID-19 information.

Mar 16, 2022

5 Frequently asked questions about Nutrition and COVID-19

Q16. Do vitamin and mineral supplements prevent COVID-19 or cure those individuals who get COVID-19?

It is believed that micronutrients play a major role in improving the health system and boost immunity.  A nutritionally balanced and diversified diet can provide you with micronutrients like fruits, vegetables and animal source foods. But, there is no such guidance till now on micronutrient supplementation in covid-19.

Q17. How can people with hypertension avoid complications during COVID-19 infection?

  • KEEP diet low in salt
  • EXERCISE regularly – briskly walk or walk at least 30 minutes a day. In situations where it is not possible to walk outdoors, this can be done at home
  • QUIT smoking and avoid taking any form of tobacco. Seek help from a health professional if needed
  • AVOID harmful use of alcohol
  • TAKE prescribed medications for hypertension regularly.

Q18. Which type of foods should be consumed during covid-19 to boost immunity?

It is recommended to consume a variety of foods for a healthy and balanced diet , including whole grains , legumes , nuts , fruits, vegetables and animal sources . there is not any such one type of food which will prevent you against covid-19.

Q19. Is it safe to take out meals and food delivery during covid-19?

According to the CDC , COVID-19 is not likely to be transmitted through food itself . Any risk would more likely come from close contact with the person delivering the food.

Food service establishments and delivery should be following the local health department guidelines on food safety guidelines and regular screening of the employees for COVID-19 symptoms. Nowadays, establishments is now providing food with minimal or no contact with prepaying over phone , food being carried to the car for a pickup, or  left at the doorstep.

Q20. Do high blood pressure medications increase the risk of getting COVID-19?

No, these medications do not increase the risk of getting covid-19 or developing any other disease. These antihypertensive medications can lower the risk of death and getting infection of covid-19.